Hello! There are so many blogs out there that you could be reading, so thanks for stopping by to check out mine. My name is Azalea, and I love to write whatever I want. I have a bachelors degree in English-Creative Writing. I loved studying English, but what I love even more is having my own blog without writing rules :)
I also love my family. I'm married, and My Man and I have three seriously adorable little girls. Getting married and becoming a mother nine months later wasn't a walk in the park. I have had a really hard time with it, but I have also had a really rewarding and beautiful time with it.
This is a blog devoted to mothers (all women included in that) and anything that has a place in their families and life. This is a blog that helps me formulate ideas, new hobbies, and keep myself balanced in a not so balanced world. Writing has helped me grow in so many ways throughout my life. It helps me push myself to learn/do new things, think new things and to figure out every other thing that has a place in my life. It has been a constant source of peace and happiness for me! I hope you find entries that you can relate to, or posts that inspire you to do new things that will in turn, help you be happier with yourself and with your family life.
You're awesome. Visit again!