Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Favorite Five Children's Books

We really love to read. We go through bouts of it though, we'll read a lot, then take a little break, then read a lot, then take a little break. Usually, it just depends on if we end up making it to story time that week and if I have enough energy to go get books after story time. But, not gonna lie, there are a lot of books that I just don't enjoy at all, as do my girls. And then, there are also the ones that we love love love! Here is our current top five!---because yes, favorite are that rare. Check them out if you haven't.

1. I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak-I love reading this with my young ones! Around 12-24 months old. My sister gave me this one after I had my first girl, and I loved it so much, because it so well described my deep love for her :)

2. Just Me in the Tub by Mercer Mayer(little critter series)-Honestly I have never really liked the illustrations in this book series (maybe that's because I don't really like critters???) but I do like the stories! Mostly because my girls love love love them. Not just, "Just Me in the Tub" either. We have four of the books right now, because someone gave them to us. And I bought one for the girls for Christmas :)

3. The Jellybeans and the Big Book Bonanza by Laura Numeroff and Nate Evans- This book series is pretty cute. The illustrations are fun. And, my girls love seeing the jellybeans. Side note: Might want to keep some jellybeans handy for when you read these ones---they always want some when the story is over!

4. The Rainbabies by Laura Krauss Melmed-I truly love this book. And, until just recently I had forgotten all about it! I got this from one of those book-buy-a-thon things in elementary school I think. I loved reading it when I was little because I loved the story and the images. It is such a peaceful, loving and soothing story. Even for kids. We went back to my parents house for Christmas this last year, and I found it there again! I read and it my girls, and they loved it. And I loved it.....so, I probably loved it more then them. And, I bet you will too!

Image result for the troll and the oliver5. The Troll and the Oliver by Adam Stower-We just found this one last week! But, it has definitely become a favorite. It's not scary at all, but since it has a troll in it that wants to eat "the Oliver", my little girl walked around the house the entire day saying "scary" in a deep rumbly voice and it was hilarious. We partially love this just because my nephew's name is Oliver, and it reminded us a lot of him! It is definitely a cute and fun story, and has a recipe at the end to make fuzzy scary yummy monster cupcakes! (we've yet to make them...)